Thought it might be nice to write something lighthearted just for the fun of it. We've all gotten a laugh or two and the kids helped out. So here we go......
1. The Bicycle Seat - Whoever designed the modern bike seat had no understanding of the human anatomy. Notice that a bike is the only place you will ever see this particular design used as a way to rest your butt.
2. The Side Post Battery - This designer was absent the day they taught about leverage & torque because the bolt is larger than the head used to turn it. Not to mention it's made with soft metal so its easy to round off. Good luck trying to attach cables to this thing. Try to use this battery to jump off another one and you better have car attached to it. The battery by itself has NO place to put jumper cables. Not Smart
3. Toilet Seat Hinges - Ever had the seat slip off the little narrow pad it rest on? Scare you half to death and for us guys it doubly horrifying! Do we really need the toilet seat to flex left and right. Come on, I'm sitting still on the thing. I don't want it to move left or right, it's not a carnival ride.
4. The 360 Degree Chair - We don't need our chairs to revolve 360 degrees. All this is good for is to get kids in trouble. Turn that chair around 360 degrees and someone will get on to you, usually an older person. Do it long enough and it will eventually break. If you need to turn around 360 degrees GET UP!
5. The Blind Cords - Whoever designed the cord to operate the blinds never had children or pets.. Do I really need a 20 foot cord on my 4 foot blinds. I know you can cut it off but why make me do that. By the way, what's the life expectancy on these things operating properly, 3 - 4 pulls tops?
6. Tiny Buttons - Were not Hobbits. I can press 3 buttons with one finger all at once, but don't need to or even want to. My keyboard should not be smaller than my THUMBPRINT. Watching a good size man trying to text someone is like watching a contortionist squeeze through a 30 gallon drum.
7. TV's without on-board Controls - These designers lived alone and never lost anything. Every function on the remote should also be on the TV. I've lost the remote, but I have NEVER lost my Television. It's always right were I put it.
8. DVD'S - This design just wasn't ready yet. I have VCR tapes that got left in the rain, stored in freezing weather, thrown across the room and found years later covered in dust. You just blow it off stick it in the player and watch the movie. My DVD's need to be handled as if I'm transporting nuclear waste from the living room to the bedroom. My house is not a dust free laboratory, KIDS LIVE HERE. Make the thing where it can double as a Frisbee or give me back my VCR Tape. I know the quality is better but not if it freezes up just when Obi-Wan is about to go Yoda on General Grievous
9. I-pod Earplugs - Remember those nice comfortable headphones we USE to have that, if you could find them, would still work great. We've noticed something about these new earplugs, they mostly seem to fit girls. Maybe “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” was all about our ears. By the way you better handle these things with with kid gloves too or the wires will fray and then it's just your dumb luck if they work.
10. Juice Pouches - This one drives me nuts. A flexible pouch I have to hold steady (but not squeeze) and then skewer with a plastic sword. What was wrong with the bottle? Careful you don't squeeze this thing to hard or they might make you drink out of a Sippy cup. Now there was a good design.
There are many more but I've had enough fun for the night. I'd love to hear your design pet peeves so feel free to send them my way.
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