Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Cosper's

Scott Cosper is the pastor of a rural Church in central Alabama. He was raised up in the United Methodist Church, but made a profession of faith during a revival at the age of 13. Scott was active in the United Methodist Church until 1994, when he joined the First Baptist Church of Moody, in Moody, AL. He has been actively involved in numerous areas of service and leadership since 1994. Scott has attended Auburn University and Jacksonville State where he earned a degree in Information Systems in 1986. He has currently completed half of his studies toward a Master of Religion at Liberty University.

In August of 2004, the Lord mercifully opened his eyes to the fact that he had never fully surrendered his life to Him. God was calling him to a complete, unconditional, non-negotiable surrender of his life. This was a dramatic turning point in the course of Scott's life and that of his family. Soon thereafter, he realized the Lord was calling him into a life of full-time ministry.

Scott loves preaching, and teaching the Word of God. He is deeply passionate about the teaching of sound, biblical doctrine, and helping others to share their faith and defend what they believe with the love and mercy demonstrated in Jesus Christ. This ministry is born out of that desire.

Scott and his wife, Lisa, have been married for 15 years. They have been blessed, through both birth and adoption, with 6 children. Lisa Cosper is a full time wife and home-schooling mom. She has a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, and has 8 years of formal teaching experience. Outside of her role as mom, and wife, she loves to teach adult Bible studies. She and the Cosper children are very active in the Eyes Wide Open Ministry as they are in all the ministries used to reach a dying world.