Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What is "Eyes Wide Open"

"Eyes Wide Open" (EWO) is a family ministry which God place upon our hearts, being first concieved at the start of 2005. The next two years were spent studying, praying and understanding the mission put before us. During the spring of 2007 we began doing bi-monthly powerpoint presentations and developing study materials on different subjects at our local church. We have recently spoken to several churches introducing the ministry and its focus on Biblical authority using apologetics. During the 2007-08 school year we taught classes on apologetics and biblical authority to home-schooled students one day a week through May at another church. We've developed several different seminar style training sessions, including study guides, each dealing with a wide range of popular arguments coming from a culture that consistently exalts itself against the knowledge of God's Word. .


(See 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5)
Sadly, many in the secular world view Christianity as a religious mythodology held dogmatically by weak minded believers employing blind faith. This image has taken hold, in part, because churches have taught "WHAT" Christians should believe but rarely "WHY" it is believable. EWO's purpose is to instruct believers how to defend what they believe by understanding the reasons why they can and should believe . This not only strengthens the foundation of their faith but increases the likelihood that they will share that faith with others. (we have seen actual results in our on church with those who haven't witnessed to others in years) We have seen young and old alike become more active in witnessing to others as they become comfortable with their ability to logically respond to commonly asked questions. For example, why they believe the Bible is God's Word, why evil existence, and why Jesus is the only way.
Today many Christians and even some pastors cannot give sound biblical and logical responses to questions being put forth by our culture. It seems that every time a Christian goes on Larry King or some other secular media outlet, they get questioned about Jesus being the only way to eternal life. Of course, this is done to paint the Christian as intolerant. However, rarely does the guest give a biblically sound logical response and some even deny the claim altogether.
Is it any wonder we see surveys indicating that over 85% of teens from evangelical homes are leaving the church after they leave home, when the leaders of the very faith they claim provide such weak responses or even give unbiblical ones. Many of those young people end up looking to other religions or philosophies they see as being more logically sound and seem to make a more noticable difference in the lives of those who profess them. They do this rather than blindly believing a religious faith that to them is seemingly indefensible based on the responses they have gotten over the years from pastors, teachers and parents who love God but are not really sure how to logically tell someone why they should also. This makes the following EWO Statement of Focus all the more true.
Everyday our culture is bombarding us with man made philosophies, ideas and pop-psychology. It can be found in the media from cartoons to "Christian" programing. It's in our schools from kindergarten to college, and not just public but even private "Christian" schools and seminary colleges. Ask yourself this, why is it that many Christian high school graduates entering seminary with a biblical world view graduate without one?
EWO was created to fulfill the commands of scripture; that we proclaim the truth and give a reasoned defense for the hope we have within us and do it as Peter commanded, with kindness. (1 Peter 3:15)
Other scripture telling us to defend our faith (Jude 3), (Zachariah 8:16), (Acts 7)
God Bless,
Pastor Scott Cosper

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Cosper's

Scott Cosper is the pastor of a rural Church in central Alabama. He was raised up in the United Methodist Church, but made a profession of faith during a revival at the age of 13. Scott was active in the United Methodist Church until 1994, when he joined the First Baptist Church of Moody, in Moody, AL. He has been actively involved in numerous areas of service and leadership since 1994. Scott has attended Auburn University and Jacksonville State where he earned a degree in Information Systems in 1986. He has currently completed half of his studies toward a Master of Religion at Liberty University.

In August of 2004, the Lord mercifully opened his eyes to the fact that he had never fully surrendered his life to Him. God was calling him to a complete, unconditional, non-negotiable surrender of his life. This was a dramatic turning point in the course of Scott's life and that of his family. Soon thereafter, he realized the Lord was calling him into a life of full-time ministry.

Scott loves preaching, and teaching the Word of God. He is deeply passionate about the teaching of sound, biblical doctrine, and helping others to share their faith and defend what they believe with the love and mercy demonstrated in Jesus Christ. This ministry is born out of that desire.

Scott and his wife, Lisa, have been married for 15 years. They have been blessed, through both birth and adoption, with 6 children. Lisa Cosper is a full time wife and home-schooling mom. She has a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, and has 8 years of formal teaching experience. Outside of her role as mom, and wife, she loves to teach adult Bible studies. She and the Cosper children are very active in the Eyes Wide Open Ministry as they are in all the ministries used to reach a dying world.