I remember one Christmas my parents decided to purchase one of those fake cardboard fireplaces. To me, a young boy at the time, this thing was huge, with red bricks and about a thousand little slots and tabs. As a father myself, I now understand how my dad's mind was working back then. My father saw this as a simple construction project. He visualized what a fireplace looked liked, he imagined how he would design an erectable cardboard fireplace, then he tossed the instructions and went to work. (Let’s face it the only thing good about instructions is the plastic Ziploc bag you keep after you throw them away.) As you might imagine this was a disaster, it's the closest my parents ever came to getting a divorce. After several hours I went to bed with mom still yelling, "NO, Billy fold slots AA into grooves bb THEN extend flaps...!*@?", well, you get the picture. To this day I don’t remember that fireplace being in our house but I sure do remember the night we attempted to put it together. I am happy to report my parents are still married having just installed their very first REAL fireplace. I stayed at home during installation, just in case!
So what does this have to do with Christianity. Well, just like my father on that faithful evening, many who proclaim Christianity as their religion have all but tossed the instructions. They have visualized what a God would be like, imagined how God would view things in light of our modern day culture, then tossed the instructions and began developing their religious beliefs. Just as we could clearly see the inevitable disaster coming with the fireplace, we are seeing the inevitable results from those who are choosing to lean on their own understanding (see Proverbs 3:5) and ignore the wisdom of God's Word.
Most Christians have heard what 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof (conviction), for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. However, they might not know why all scripture is "profitable for...". In Verse 17 Paul tells us it is so "the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Proverbs 19:27 states, “If you stop listening to instruction, young man, you will stray from the words of knowledge.” The Hebrew definition for the English word "instruction" is defined by such words as reproof, correction and doctrine, which are all found in 2 Timothy 3:16,17. The point here is that if we stop listening to the instructions given us by our (heavenly) Father we also will stray from the words of His knowledge, thereby leaving us ill-equipped and incomplete for our good work.
Today, you are far more likely to hear someone responding to a question about religion begin with, "Here's what I think about that....", rather than "Here's what God's Word says about that...". It's astonishing just how often what follows, "Here's what I think about that..." is a thought which is quite foreign to scripture.
We are living in an age where feelings trump truth.
What we think about religion is of little value unless it is derived from God via the Holy Spirit and is verifiable in His Holy Word. Relying so much on our feelings, even those we might feel are spiritual, without the physical guidance given in scripture can cause us to be lead astray, tossed to and fro like a wave on the sea by what ever new thought comes along. (See James 1: 5-8)
"Instead of becoming guardians of scripture
many Christians are acting more like its editor."
Imagine how easy it would have been for my parents to build that cardboard fireplace if, with instructions in hand, they could have called the designer. Eventually, they did try the instructions (remember AA into slot BB) but by that time the words seemed confusing, and they lacked both the patience needed to read them carefully and the discipline to follow them exactly. Thankfully, as Christians we have the ability to call our designer through prayer, gaining conviction (reproof) through the Holy Spirit and instruction from the Word of God.
However, there is still a problem. Imagine if my father had the instructions in hand and the designer on the phone but, he won't listen carefully to the designer and he keeps trying to change the instructions. That might sound foolish but it is analogous to what so many do with God and His Word, today. As a matter of fact, Scripture describes this as the act of a fool.
"A fool has no delight in understanding but in expressing his own heart" Proverbs 18:2.
Fool, in the Hebrew language literally means stupid.
How is it so many feel they know better how to live life, than the designer of life? This seems especially odd when one considers that scripture describes this as the act of a person who is stupid? Of course, no one would characterize their actions in this manner, but their very words often reveal their heart. Some characterize their beliefs as being derived by using their “God given common sense". "Here's what I think about that...God gave us a mind so we could think for ourselves, use our God given common sense." (click for blog on common sense vs. truth) This statement is a perfect example of a not quite so scriptural response, created by someone doing exactly what Proverbs 18:2 is describing.
In 1 Cor. 1:19 Paul quoted from Isaiah "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent." It would seem a grave error for us to lean on our own understanding or our common sense when it comes to religious beliefs in light of what's written in God's Word.
Many Christians are finding the promised abundant life difficult at best or absent at worst. Could it simply be they are trying to experience an abundant life having tossed, or at least selectively chosen, the designers instructions? Could some have unwittingly created religious beliefs which do not mirror those found in Holy Scripture and therefore would not come with the promises or the power found therein? I fear many have fallen prey to this satanic trap designed to keep them from true salvation while keeping others bound to a weak ineffective faith.
Before going futher, let me state for the record I believe a Christian leader should seek to educate himself as much as possible. In fact, if he is truly called of God he will desire to do so based on that calling. However, one need not look far to find religious scholars, pastors and church leaders who are willingly providing cover for those wishing to exalt their own thoughts & feelings above plainly given scripture. This is really nothing more than disbelief disguised as tolerance, understanding or intellect. These leaders are either educated beyond their intelligence, having allowed their faith in human knowledge to cloud their chance at heavenly wisdom, or they are the tares planted among the wheat Christ spoke of in Matt. 13:25. It is infinitely more important that a leader know the Master than to have a masters.
Many Christians are finding the promised abundant life difficult at best or absent at worst. Could it simply be they are trying to experience an abundant life having tossed, or at least selectively chosen, the designers instructions? Could some have unwittingly created religious beliefs which do not mirror those found in Holy Scripture and therefore would not come with the promises or the power found therein? I fear many have fallen prey to this satanic trap designed to keep them from true salvation while keeping others bound to a weak ineffective faith.
Before going futher, let me state for the record I believe a Christian leader should seek to educate himself as much as possible. In fact, if he is truly called of God he will desire to do so based on that calling. However, one need not look far to find religious scholars, pastors and church leaders who are willingly providing cover for those wishing to exalt their own thoughts & feelings above plainly given scripture. This is really nothing more than disbelief disguised as tolerance, understanding or intellect. These leaders are either educated beyond their intelligence, having allowed their faith in human knowledge to cloud their chance at heavenly wisdom, or they are the tares planted among the wheat Christ spoke of in Matt. 13:25. It is infinitely more important that a leader know the Master than to have a masters.
Any truth, knowledge or wisdom worth having will always come from God. Remember, it was God's choice to reveal Himself to us through His Word and we should trust that He knew what He was doing.
Honestly, I'd rather have prayer going up on my behalf from a simpleton who believes the Word, than an Biblical Scholar with a doctorate who doubts its divine revelation.
Believe the Word!
Scott Cosper
Co-Founder"Eyes Wide Open" Ministries